Friday, July 8, 2011

Touch a Life

Lord, grant me a heart of compassion
So burdened for others’ needs
That I will show Your kindness
In attitudes, words, and deeds. —Fitzhugh

Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can,
for all the people you can, while you can.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mary and Max

We can, however, choose our friends
and I am glad I have chosen you.
Dr Bernard Hazelhof also said
that everyone's lives
are like a very long sidewalk.
Some are well paved.
Others, like mine,
have cracks, banana skins
and cigarette butts.
Your sidewalk is like mine
but probably not as many cracks.
Hopefully, one day
our sidewalks will meet
and we can share
a can of condensed milk.
You are my best friend.
You are my only friend.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The War And The Warrior

Warrior a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness

2009.... Anything could have happened during surgery. Total darkness was frightening.... Chemo is extremely unpleasant. It is so depressing and it can make you weak. First shot was tolerable, but  it can ruin the veins. I could feel the "poison" running into my veins going straight to my neck then to my head. According to my oncologist it is a "hit and miss thing".

It's been two years... I can't illustrate perfectly what i felt. Questions are it is gone or it just buried. Or is it called dancing with my fears? 

I need to be strong, i need to embrace my fears, I need to fight for something that  I couldn't see, though, I could feel...

I don't know the end of the story, but I need to believe that I am a warrior... A warrior who has the courage from God.

Bible Verse: 
But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27) 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jeremiah's Dilemma

Jeremiah's Dilemma Quarterly maiden issue/ not for sale

issue 32





issue#8 last issue

I did the layout of this magazine for the ministry... my dream actually. 

When I was in high school I was a subscriber of The Plain Truth Magazine, I enjoyed looking at the pages because it is colorful and glossy. I love the idea of doing the whole magazine... I could feel the passion.

Now, I couldn't count the pages and issues I've done. How many copies were sold and not sold. How many hours I spent in front of my computer, conceptualizing the design.

Thank God for being faithful, He knows my passion...